Art to heal and empower

Lumi Blue Feather
Visionary artist, intuitive & soul expressionist
Born with a passion in art and spiriutality, Lumi embarked on her healing journey after passing through a few years of "dark night of the soul" and affirmed her mission to serve as a healer thorugh authentic expression. Her healing experiences and inspiring teachings encountered along the way became the greatest source of her expression. Lumi is now a passionate expressionist constantly creating art from the heart as well as a commited spiritual practioner on her growth journey. Lumi's mission is to awaken, inspire and empower those on similar journeys seeking for healing and personal growth. She also carries the mission to reconnect the modern minds to our collective ancient roots in the past. She is a true believer of love being the ultimate healer for all.

Lumi is now selected by Brainz Magazine as their Executive Contributor. Lumi is writing monthly articles on healing art, personal growth journey, and spiritual well-being related topics for Brainz readers to enjoy.

Art for the Soul, connecting hearts through art
Lumi is passionate about connecting to like-minded souls walking on their growth and transformation journeys. She is here to serve through art to those in need and works from the intangible - feelings, emotions, experiences, visions, energies, etc. Commission is open for individuals and organisations with similar ethos, values and missions to empower the world in alignment to love and light.
Painting: There Is Light Here, 2023